That's when we hooked up with Tim and Sandy Shoemaker, owners of the Pave-Stone Company of Oklahoma. They recommended the Eco-Priora permeable paver system for our driveway.
The Eco-Priora™ joint profile allows surface water to infiltrate into the pavement and its sub-layers. With initial permeability average flow rates of over 100 inches per hour, the Eco-Priora™ product, even with a clogging factor, will still meet the majority of current storm water management plans (SWMP). The structural interlocking capability is achieved by having a vertical joint profile exhibiting protruding spacer bars that interlock when placed in pattern. These interlock throughout the depth of the block and nest adjacently with neighboring paving units. Eco-Priora™ assists in meeting current EPA storm water regulations.
Here's how it works:
We're looking at the Sandstone and Winter Blend colors....amazing how nice it looks, right?
Give Tim a call about your next outdoor paving application. This stuff is beautiful.
The Pave-Stone Store of Oklahoma
Tim & Sandy Shoemaker
I am confuse which one is better for storm water. Because I also want to set this type of pavers around my garden area.