Monday, March 30, 2009


Let's talk about trash, baby,
Let's talk about you and me,
Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be.
Just wanted to start it of with a little throw back to 1991(when the trash started accumulating) and Salt-N-Pepa.

So we had some trash to deal with.
Our first reaction was to get the biggest dumpster you could find and throw it all in there. Actually our first reaction was "ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME!"
Chad, being green-minded, decided the proper way to handle the trash was to separate and recycle what could be recycled.
I asked if we could "go green" after we cleaned out the house -- hello, did you see the trash?
Silence, crickets chirping, again I asked ummm... Chad can we "go green" later?

Here was my answer.
Along the way in true Chad fashion he made contact with Pam a wonderful person and her organization Reclamation Station. They reclaim old fixtures, moldings and basically anything reusable enough for resale. They cleaned out the house and were able to find treasures hidden under the trash. Did I say how much I appreciate them? Note to self: bake cookies, or buy gift card.
So far we (Chad) diverted from the landfill
200 lbs of aluminum
1000 lbs of Paper
150 lbs of glass

All of the appliances were also recycled.
Way to go Chad.
Also a big Thank You to the MET for providing the recycle bins!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow! There is a HOUSE next to yours! What an admirable undertaking...I'm going to drive the boys by to show them your project. And I'll try to keep them from jumping out of the car to "help."
