Mid-Town Residential Retrofit Goes Through Hands-on Brainstorming Session
Mid-town Tulsa home renovation seeking rare, dual green building certification.
It was a meeting of the minds this month, as team members in charge of key building systems met at TulsaTech to discuss a “green” home renovation aimed at saving energy, water and using local product manufacturers and service providers when possible. The meeting, also called the Design Charrette, is an important first step in the planning process and an effective tool for developing strong, successful designs and communicating the project goals to the critical players. Charrettes serve as a way of quickly generating a design solution while integrating the aptitude, interests and fresh viewpoints of a diverse group of people.
“Lorrie has been a strong proponent of a dual-certified (NAHB/LEED) home from the start,” says Chad Burden, owner and OSU Tulsa graduate student studying environmental science with an emphasis in green building and sustainable construction practices. The home will be the main focus of Chad’s master’s thesis project through OSU Tulsa’s Environmental Science graduate program.
Standards for rating a building's "greenness" have been established by several organizations, using point systems to rate energy, water use, materials, design and more. The largest and most recognized green building codes are The National Association of Home Builders' Model Green Building Guidelines and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. The home will be dual certified upon completion (LEED-H/NAHB National Green Building Standard).
“We are excited to see this home go for dual certification,” says Lorrie Hoefling. The LEED and NAHB are well thought out standards for Greening a home and making it the most energy efficient as possible. Builders like to have a choice and they will get a highly energy efficient home from either one of these standards.
Key product manufacturers and service providers associated with the project are below. Those bolded attended the Design Charrette.
Lorrie A. Hoefling, Residential and Commercial Green Consultant and PM
-- Metal Seams & Tile, a Tulsa-based roof installer
-- TAMKO Building Products, a Joplin, MO-based product manufacturer
-- EnviroGLAS, a Plano, TX-based recycled glass countertop manufacturer
-- Tulsa Granite, a Tulsa-based counter top fabricator
-- Pella, a door and window product manufacturer located about 500 miles from Tulsa
-- Perk Inc., premier local SolaTube dealer in Tulsa
Air Solutions, a Sand Springs-based HVAC service provider representing Carrier and others
-- Jay Rambo Company, a Tulsa-based custom cabinet manufacturer
-- Kohler, a maker of fine plumbing fixtures and products
M&S Plumbing, a Tulsa-based professional plumbing service provider
Ozark Foam InSEALators, Missouri-based service provider, representing Demilec Foam Insulation
Todd Stephens, a Tulsa-based professional drafting and design service provider
Jim Belden, a Tulsa-based general contractor
Colburn Electric, a Tulsa-based electrical service provider
-- Anchor Paint, a Tulsa-based coatings product manufacturer
-- Temple-Inland, an gypsum board product manufacturer with a facility in Oklahoma
-- M&M Lumber, a Tulsa-based lumber company and supplier of Tech Shield, the premier manufacturer of laminated oriented strand board (OSB)
Triple "C" Companies, an Oklahoma based lighting sales and design firm for over 30 years
-- HeatWave Supply, a locally owned and operated premier plumbing supply company
Broken Arrow Electric Supply, Inc., supporting electricians and contractors for over 25 years
About The Home Renovation Located at 3530 E. 21st Place Tulsa, OK
Details about this project can be found at www.obgreen.blogspot.com. The project began in February and should be completed by September, followed by eight weekends of open houses aimed at public education.
Contact Information: Chad Burden 3536 E. 21st Place Tulsa, OK 74114 918-629-5498 chadbb@okstate.edu